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Fuel Switch Fuel Switch is an automatic control system...

Fuel Switch

Fuel Switch is an automatic control system for bunker change process. Recently, shipbuilding trends shifts towards the intelligent ship and consideration of sailor’s convenience and also, safety system of ship is emphasized. For this reason,
Fuel Switch of DongHwa Entec is designed to control temperature changes [2℃/min] that is resulted from bunker change between HFO in high temperature and MGO/MDO in ordinary temperature, with consideration of safety.
Consequently, risk of damage on engine can be mitigated and convenience of sailors has increased through automatic control instead of manual valve operation. Moreover, the remote system with HMI(ECR & LOCAL) enables sailors to control under the any circumstance. Also, it provides a real-time monitoring system over the entire bunker change process. Especially, it has an advantage of composite control over the entire bunker change process, in connection with MGO cooling unit.

Donghwa total solution [MGO C/U + FUEL SWITCH] Including one control panel can fully control both bunker change and MGO cooling process with very high operational reliability.

Donghwa [FUEL SWITCH] with control panel will be provided just to control bunker change process where only cooler, not MGO cooling unit, is applied on vessel.

Fuel Switch for automatic changeover between HFO and MGO/MDO. Change-over to/from MGO can be somewhat dangerous for the fuel equipment as hot heavy fuel is mixed into relatively cold gas/diesel oil. So, it safely can control this process in connection with MGO C/U provided by Donghwa. Furthermore, HMI as option can help you to control it and monitor all information under operations with much easy and safety.

Automatic by Fuel Switch

Automatic by Fuel Switch

The advantage of Fuel Switch

  • Lower Cost & Central Control
    Yon respectively can control MGO cooling unit & Fuel Switch and monitor actual operating condition in real-time through MHI at ECR with One control panel of Donghwa total solution for applying low-sulphur MDO/MGO on sailing in CARB and EU-ECA, compared to providing each equipment of other systems.
  • Compact Design
    3-Way valve with simplicity can be designed with easy installation and maintenance, which is able to applied to sea-going vessel as well.
  • Precise control
    During change-over, the temperature increase/decrease rate should be less than 2°C/min. to protect the fuel equipment from the thermal shock resulting in sticking.
  • Easy operation & Data Log
    You can use and adjust this system due to a simple control logic automatically, switching to manual during error condition as well.All data during operation condition are able to be monitored and recorded as an automatic real-time data logging system which are interlocked to GPS(Global Positioning System).


from www.dh.co.kr


이 블로그의 인기 게시물


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