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Commissioning and Installation of Heat exchanger

Commissioning and Installation of Heat exchanger

Commissioning and Installation

1. How to install a Heat Exchanger

The correct method of heat exchanger installation varies depending upon the exact type of unit and the environment of operation. For installations instructions please refer to one of our Installation and Operation Manuals
  • Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers – IOM
  • Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers – IOM

2. How to increase the lifetime of a Heat Exchanger

Heat exchangers are manufactured from robust materials, have no moving parts and operate at a variety of different pressures and temperatures, therefore if a heat exchanger is used in the correct way then there is no reason why it shouldn’t be able to remain operational for many years. To help increase the operational lifetime of a heat exchanger there are several steps that should be taken;

Make sure the design data is accurate – If you are sending data to our engineers for heat exchanger selection, then it is best to make sure that it is as accurate as possible. Not only will this ensure that your heat exchanger is thermally efficient but also that it will be able to operate for a long period of time. If the flow rates are too high then erosion could be a problem, if the pressures are too high then leaks could occur and if there are any unusual chemicals in the fluids (such as acids in coolant water) then please contact us to check the compatibility. If our standard materials aren’t suitable then we can usually supply an alternative which is.

Commission and Installation – When installing your heat exchanger, make sure that correct fittings and pipe work are used. If unsure, please check the Thermex Installation and Operation Manual for details. For heat exchangers on applications which use polluted, shallow or brackish sea water as the coolant and have copper alloy tubes, it is recommended to run the heat exchanger in clean sea water for several weeks first, this creates a protective layer over the tube material which helps to protect against corrosion. More information regarding this subject can be found on www.copper.org. Where possible, filters should also be used where fluids may contain solid particles to prevent tube erosion from occurring.

Regular Maintenance and Servicing – All Thermex shell and tube heat exchangers are designed to allow for easy maintenance and servicing. The end caps can be removed allowing the internal tube bundle to be removed for cleaning. New seal kits can also be provided from stock and are available to purchase on our Web Shop. For information and tips on servicing your heat exchanger, please see the Thermex Installation and Operation Manual.

3. What causes a heat exchanger to fail in operation?

There are many possible causes for heat exchanger failure, some examples for shell and tube include;

Below are some abbreviations and terms often used in the heat exchanger industry;Heat Exchanger Abbreviations and Terminology

  • ETD Extreme Temperature Differential
  • EGC Exhaust Gas Cooler
  • MGO Marine Gas Oil Cooler
  • HTHE Header Tank Heat Exchanger
  • CAC Charge Air Cooler
  • ACOC Air Cooled Oil Cooler
  • PHE / PHEX Plate Heat Exchanger
  • Shell Side Flow/Connections – Shell Side refers to the flow of a fluid, such as oil, over the external surface of the tube stack
  • Tube Side Flow/Connection – Tube Side refers to the flow of fluid through the tubes of the tube stack, usually the coolant Pressure Loss / Drop The level of back pressure generated by pumping the fluids through the heat exchanger circuits
Sourced by thermex.

Related URL : http://www.dh.co.kr/plate-type-heat-exchanger/
via http://www.dh.co.kr/commissioning-installation-heat-exchanger/


이 블로그의 인기 게시물


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(주)동화엔텍- '나눔 경영'으로 기업의 사회적 책임을 실천하다.

(주)동화엔텍- '나눔 경영'으로 기업의 사회적 책임을 실천하다 . ㈜동화엔텍은 노사간에 화합을 통해 ‘감사나눔’ 운동을 진행 하고자 합의 하였고 ‘감사나눔신문’ 을 제작하여 관심이 적은 소외된 곳에 배포하는데 보탬이 되고자 년 200만원을 기부하기로 결정하였다. 이에 감사나눔신문에서는 ㈜동화엔텍 화전공장에서 감사패 증정식을 진행하였으며 KBS ‘동행’ 프로그램팀은 방영을 위해 ㈜동화엔텍에 방문하여 임직원들의 파동검사와 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 파동검사는 1분 동안 감사함을 느꼈던 일을 생각함으로써 평소에 감사함을 가지고 있는지 효과적으로 잘 진행되고 있는지 확인코자 진행하는 것으로 뇌 피로도, 집중도, 심리상태, 활력 지수 등을 체크하는  마인드인 분석이다. 인터뷰를 통해 ㈜동화엔텍은 대내적으로 상대방에 대한 감사함을 찾아 표현하고 불만과 불편을 극복 하고자 하였으며 대외적으로 소외된 곳에 관심을 가지고 봉사하는 사회적 기업으로써 책임을 다해야 한다는 필요성을 느껴 ‘감사나눔’  운동을 시작하게 되었다고 표하였다. ㈜동화엔텍 김강희 명예회장은  ‘칭찬이 나에게 따뜻함을 가져다 줬고 나도 직원들에게 감사할 거리가 많다. 감사함을 표하니 직원도 마음가짐과 행동에 변화가 오는 것을 느꼈으며 매우 행복한 일터가 될 것이라 생각이 들었다. 이를 체계적으로 확산시키고 지속적으로 시행한다면 업무 향상 외에도 행복, 화목, 평화로운 회사가 될 것이라 생각한다.’ 고  말하였다.  ㈜동화엔텍 가족사랑위원회 김영만 위원장은 ‘감사나눔 운동을 통해 직원들과의 소통이 활발해짐으로써 협업과 소통이 한 단계 더 업그레이드 되고 감사함을 표하는 기업문화가 되기를 기대한다’고 말하였다. 이러한 ‘감사나눔’ 운동을 통해 직원들은 더 즐겁고 지금보다 행복하게 일을 할 수 있을 것으로 생각하는 ㈜동화엔텍의 ‘지속가능경영’에 많은 기업들의 관심이 집중되고 있다.